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How to make your corporate healthcare brand a value driver

In times of uncertainty, it becomes ever more important to have a strong and consistent brand. Consumers and stakeholders are attracted to brands they know and trust. Brands they believe in. In the traditionally product-brand driven healthcare industry, characterised by an increased focus on cost and commoditization, healthcare brands should explore the potential in also communicating the value and uniqueness beyond product benefits and drug efficacy.

We believe many healthcare companies are missing out on the opportunity to build more trust with their stakeholders and employees. A strong corporate brand will remain a value driver well beyond the next quarter, but it requires an organisation that is ready to identify, develop and share a unified core story across the company and its markets – and that is not an easy task.

The current paradigms and classical authorities are being challenged by a growing and increasingly autonomously informed middle-class who, today, seek personalised treatments. Healthcare companies are therefore becoming progressively important across the entire spectrum of care.

The value a company brings to the market is anchored in its core story of the corporate brand – guiding the direction of the company and the role it plays in the life of its patients and stakeholders. However, with more stakeholders involved in the decision-making processes, an increased pressure to decrease healthcare costs, and an increase in commoditization and generics – the healthcare landscape is becoming more complex than ever before. These changes demand a new level of transparency and authenticity. To meet this demand, your brand needs to adopt a strong core story that communicates its guiding principles and corporate values.


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How to make your corporate healthcare brand a value driver

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